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    Na Cintorínskej ulici, ktorú mnohí Bratislavčania poznajú vďaka frekventovanej zastávke Rajská pri Kamennom námestí, stojí budova BACC (Bratislava city center).

    Na prvý pohľad nenápadná budova má prekvapivo historickú hodnotu. Postavili ju ešte v 30-tych rokoch minulého storočia a odvtedy prešla rozsiahlou rekonštrukciou. Vďaka dobrej údržbe je dnes v pozoruhodnom stave a nájdete v nej napríklad vydavateľstvo Petit press, Astru Zenecu, či Kórejskú obchodnú komoru.





    How Spaceplan found a home


    After moving several times, it became clear to us that we needed our own headquarters, which we would design according to our own ideas and meet certain criteria of use.

    The problem was that, despite the rich industrial history of Bratislava, it was not easy to find a specific space, because the communists simply razed many historical buildings during their time in office, or changed them beyond recognition.

    However, we "accidentally" came across the building on Cintorínská and the space where the old printers used to be located. This meant high ceilings and a spacious functional area. And it was painted.

    How Spaceplan found a home

    Scope and course of implementation: Demolish, demolish and demolish


    What we see today does not, even at our wildest guess, resemble what we saw when we started construction. Before us, this place was rented by a dental practice and it was a typical office space with a standard coffered ceiling.

    In order to get at least half way to the desired result, we had to completely remove all the ventilation, electrical installations and demolish all the partitions, remove the old toilets and the kitchen.

    Probably the hardest part was removing the ceiling plaster, which lasted an incredible four weeks. We did these works at night and on weekends, but there were certainly a lot of noise complaints...

    Scope and course of implementation: Demolish, demolish and demolish

    Approval, what not to see


    When we got through the demolition phase, it was our turn to build a metal structure that was specially created for our premises.

    X tons of iron in anthracite RAL had the task of creating a gallery, which was created thanks to the 6-meter high ceiling, which made it possible to use the potential of the space.

    Then it was "just" partitions, paintings, laying the floor and details, and we could move in.

    Approval, what not to see

    A living showroom


    Today we are already occupied in this creative, non-standard space, which has a usable area of ​​over 300 square meters. Behind the design is the work of our team of architects and CEO, Ladislav Vilner. We can proudly say that this project speaks for itself about the technical and design capabilities of our team.

    The goal was to create a non-standard space that would be used for several purposes. Of course, the first priority was to use it as a classic office with focus zones.
    A space with one closed formal meeting room was also created, and thanks to the furniture from our suppliers, we have several collaboration zones and informal places for meetings. All thanks to a good spaceplan and furniture.

    Another purpose is to use the space as a showroom. That is why we created a gallery that would expand the usable area and provide more space for the constantly increasing furniture novelties.

    The three most important ones also include the use of space for the purposes of organizing workshops and training for the professional public. We want the showroom not to be like a store with expensive clothes, which is a symbol of exclusivity and limited attendance, but to function as a lively and dynamic space that is open to people who have something in common with interior design, furniture and architecture.

    A living showroom

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