Contact details
Fakturačné údaje
SPACEPLAN Factory s.r.o.
Cintorínska 9
811 08 Bratislava
IČO: 46696598
DIČ: 2023526241
IČ DPH: SK2023526241
Obchodný register Mestského súdu Bratislava III, oddiel: Sro, vložka č. 99432/B
Bankové spojenie
ČSOB a.s.
Account number: 4020129117/7500
IBAN: SK83 7500 0000 0040 2012 9117

Have a question? Message us
If you have a question and need to get in touch with us, try calling or writing to us, or you can fill out the contact form.
How do you find SPACEPLAN?
Spaceplan is located in the BACC building opposite the new St. Michael's Hospital on Cintorínská (closer to Lazaretská).
To reach us, you have to ring the bell. Continue on foot to the first floor (the elevator only works with a card) and ring the bell again and turn right after entering, where you will enter the showroom.
Arrival and parking
Parking for our visitors is available in the underground garage at Lazaretská 8. Before you arrive, let us know that you are coming by car so that we can inform the security service. Other parking options are right across the street in the St. Michael's Hospital complex, or on Kamenná náměstí near Tesco (Obchodní dom My).
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